donderdag 18 april 2013

DAY 5 (1804) Attila and Erika (Innovation in Education)

the warming up
In the beginning of the lesson the teachers from Hungary gave us three lettres. We had to write as many words we could find for the letter P, B and L based on the subject 'education'.
I think this was a good warming up exercice to begin with the theory about PBL, because there were some words that looked similar for the words from the abbreviation PBL.

PBL (problem based learning)
There is a difference between problem solving and problem based learning. 
problem solving: arriving at decisions based on prior knowledge and reasoning
problem-based learning: the process of acquiring new knowledge based on recognition of a need to learn

The process of PBL:
1 - Confront a problem.
2 - Organize in groups.
3 - Pose questions about what you don't understand.
4 - Design a plan to solve the problem and identify the recourses they need.
5 - Gather information to solve the problem.

When you are using the method of PBL there are role changes.  I allready knew these role changes. In Belgium we use it in "CLIM-lessons" (cooperative learning in multicultural groups).

The function of the teacher is to be a tutor for each group.

the process in group
We saw different cases about problems with children. In group we had to write different questions about the case. After that phase we got new information where we had to search the answers on the questions. I really liked the fact that we could work in group. BUT I haven't learn anything. We just had to look for questions and answers. In Belgium, I had a similar task so this is not so new for me. I also want to know what is creative in this presentation...

the teachers

Today, the Hungarian teachers gave us information about PBL. I really liked Attila and Erika because they are so not-stressy and calm. They are very polite and gave us time to share thought. But I think the sharing part has taken too much time. When we had to work in group they came to us to listen what we were thinking. I really like it when teachers show us their interest. Today's activity was not so creative. The teachers didn't use a lot of expression in their voice and body language. I am very critical because in our country expression and showing your motivation is very important. Maybe they could also talk a little bit louder. 

the Hungarian students
I loved the presentation on Prezi about Hungary. It's cool to get to know the animals and typical sport in Hungary. Each country is different and has his own specialities. Hungary is the only country that showed us some specialities about their country. I appreciate that! Nice job!

- I am really getting tired so I know now that I can use some more sleep.
- I can go to the bus station on my own.
- Creativity and expression is really important. If I will not do it in my class I now know my students won't pay attention.

1 opmerking:

  1. Yes, it's very important to know how to motivate the students and to get their attention. If the students are motivated, they are willing to learn everything!
