maandag 22 april 2013

DAY 9 (2204) Lilian (Martin's interview)

the problem
Today was really the most uninteresting day for me. I am so tired because of the busy weekend. I'm also very sick. So I don't have any energy to listen, think and work. I think most of the students have the same problem. We are all very tired and we really need some time for ourselfs. The first week of the IP we got a lot of breaks and time to talk or rest. But Lilian wants do to so much that she doesn't see that we all need a break. The proces in our group is really going slow because we can't think anymore. 
I expected to get some rest during the lunch so I could go to the pharmacy. But we only got 30 minutes to eat. I just feel like I am in the army...
So please, give us some time for ourselfs! 
Otherwise I think our results won't be very good.

Martin's problem
What I remember of the presentation of Martin is that he has a problem with defining the problem. He told us so many things that it was not clear for me what the real problem was. I think it would be better if he just sended us a video with the problem because the trip to the school did take to much time. If we saw the video in het university we could work more.

the 'fun' activity
At the end of this day Liliane started a game. I think it was not a good moment. She should have done it on a different moment when everyone didn't had a lot of energy. 

- Today I learned NOTHING because my body is so out of energy.

1 opmerking:

  1. I love your honesty in your blog! Today I didn't feel energetic at all!
