zondag 14 april 2013

DAY 1 (1404) Who are you?

the apointment
We all collect at the lobby at 8am. This was the first time I saw all the students. There are a lot of Dutch speaking students but we try speak as much as possible English. My first impression was that we will have fantastic days together with a lot of fun.

the day 
In Belgian terms we haven't done so much in the morning but I like the Danish rythm a lot. I want to leave all of my stress here in Copenhagen. We played a game to learn each other (look for a person with the same shoes - present your keys of your home, bike and so on). 


Because of the electricity problem we had to look for an other classroom. There Sabine presented the goals of the IP, some more information about the university and so on. We had to write 3 goals that we want to accomplish in this IP. The Belgian teacher has categorized all the goals in the triple P-model (proces, procedure, product) and we saw that our focus is on the product. But also the proces is important, like having fun, what do we learn during the project, ... 


After the break we got a little bit more information about stuff.

LUNCH (an amazing lunch, self-made "smoskes", THANK YOU!)

When we got the chance to eat and to enjoy the sun we went back to the classroom where each country presented their problems they are facing in their country.

presentation 1 - The Netherlands (social integration)

The Netherlands made a very nice first impression. As we are used to them they showed us how proud they are of their country. They were dressed in orange clothes, put a flag on the board, had some "wimpels", ... . Their problem is about social integration. The Netherlands is a multicultural country so they are facing seperated groups in class. At this moment some students teas each other but it will turn into bullying. They want to avoid that.

presentation 2 - Belgium - Vorselaar (the bullying problem)
In Belgium the number of suicides is increasing in respect of young people. One of the causes is bullying. We are searching different methods to make the bullying stop because it has an effect for lifetime.


presentation 3 - Turkey (inclusion)
The Turkish people are very interested in inclusion in class. They have some methods they use that I really want to use in my own school practice. For example the inclusion student has a mask on. The student has a safe feeling when he puts the mask one. In our country a mask would not be allowed. But maybe it's not a bad idea. The problem they are facing is time management. In the class are maximum 3 inclusion students. For each student the teacher is working 5 hours after school. Their question is how they can deal inclusion with just one teacher and the time that is needed to prepare themselfs.

presentation 4 - Hungary (agression)
In Hungary they have a problem that belongs to the bullying problem. The students are very agressive. They experience a difference between girls and boys. Girls are the verbal bullies and boys the non-verbal. Their concern is how they can decrease agression. By the way: the presentator did a great job on his own!

presentation 5 - Belgium - Brussels (kids with behaviour problems)
An other problem from Belgium is the label we put on kids. In our country many children have behaviour problems like ADHD, autism, ... and learning problems like dyslexia. The students from Brussels (and we also) think that label is chosen to quickly. There question is how they can decrease the labeling so the student with a problem won't get to soon in "BuLo" and "BuSo".

the dinner
Every country had to bring some food that is typical for their country. We all enjoyed it very much.

the walk

The walk to the university is AMAZING. It's like the place where I live. Everything is green, rural. Just AWESOME! We made it all on ourselfs to the hostel with the whole group.

the evening
Now we are sitting with Sam, Mo, Hanne, Belinda and Charlotte in the chilling room to finish our blogs. It's very cozy.

1. All the students are AMAZING. I am learning a lot about the educational systems in each country, how they experience the education, ... .
2. Today, I learned (already) to be calm, not stressy and enjoy every single moment.
3. All kind of stuffs: setting to know each other-game, the triple P-model, Prezi-presentations.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Dear Jen
    It is nice to read about your first impressions of the IP. You sound so very positive - I like that!
    And I am looking forward to reading more about your learning outcomes - also in regards to the creativity topic today.
    See you Wednesday! Best regards Marie-Louise

  2. wauw, you put a lot of work in this blog. Its nice to see such an extensive blog. I'm glad you loked our clothes we wore whit the presentation ;).
