vrijdag 19 april 2013

DAY 6 (1904) Lilian (Solution Camp)

the d.school (Stanford)
In the morning we started doing several things that I really would love to do in my own classroom.

The mission of this bootcamp was redesign the gift-giving experience for a partner.

Step 1 - Gaining empathy.
Step 2 - Reframe the problem.
Step 3 - Generate alternatives to test.
Step 4 - Iterate based on feedback.
Step 5 - Build and test.

First you have to interview your partner about a gift he/she gave. Afterwords you have to dig deeper. You have to search for emotions they experienced. When you have enough information you have to summarize what you found (the needs of the person and the insights). When you did that you  have to define the problem by writing the name and what the persons needs for solving the problem. The real activity will start now. You have to design several prototypes how you can solve the problem. After the divergent (draw different solutions) en convergent thinking (make one solution) of different ideas you can create a real prototype.

the real life situation
In the afternoon we got the chance to do the bootcamp on the problem of exclusion in The Netherlands. I had a lot of fun. I am really proud on our solution. I like to go on a surviving trip, it's very cool and cozy. We got a lot of feedback. I appreciate that, because each project has his negative and positive sides. And we can learn a lot of that.

Our project: surviving trip starting with a classcollage and money collection - different activities in the surviving trip - problem and ideabox

the connection between the lessons
Lilian did showed us a really good example of creative thinking. Today I could connect all the theory's I have learned during this week. In this solution camp we used divergent thinking by drawing radical ways to solute the problem. Convergent thinking is in step 5 when you make one solution of the different solutions.

the method
I really liked the movie from d.school BUT I think it's more important that Lilian would gave us the lesson. I have the feeling that this was the most easiest way. For example, when the two persons from the movie asked us to reflect on our proces , Liliane always had to explain everything once again. I think she could do it herself.
We worked a lot in groups and I really appreciate that. We are still learning from each other and I really enjoy that. BUT I have the feeling some students don't want to talk with me or can't talk. I think when you join an IP you should have a basic language knowledge or WANT to learn the language. I really appreciate Çağrı. He really wants to have contact with all the students. Even if his language is not that strong he is still trying. 

After the processing we got a lot of time to reflect on everything. 

- The IP is very interesting. I learn a lot. But I think it is taking too much time. The days are too long. I really need some time for my own on this moment... So now I know I also have to give my students some personal time.
- The project we did in the morning is AWESOME. I want to do such a project in my classroom.

1 opmerking:

  1. I loved the solution camp and was inspired by some of groups' ideas. I would definitely love to do it in my classroom as well.

    I really like your blog!
