dinsdag 16 april 2013

DAY 3 (1604) Karen and Ann (Drama)

the drama workshop
Today it was the day of the Belgian teachers. I was really looking forward to it cause I’m used to the active lessons in Belgium. In the morning we learned how te handle with drama. Also the PCDA-circle (Demingcycle) with the different steps was a part of the workshop from Karen and Ann. This circle is really usefull because it explains how to start with drama. I think most of the people just start acting without overthinking something. That is a really important thing. When you first brainstorm about the content you will get a lot of ideas and methods.

the situations
We also did some real life situations like a busdrive and the bullying problem. Lindsey, I loved your acting like a little child. And I love the others for the nice atmosphere in our bus. When we had to act like we were bullying we started talking about bullying. I love the conversations in my group. Each country has his problems and how they solve it. But sometimes you can also use a solving method from other countries. When we do this, the talking, I am really learning something.

the workshop
After lunch we were seperated in 3 groups (art, movie and music). I really liked the method because we were active, we got the chance to know some people better and we could focus on one thing.
I was in the group of music and I was having the time of my life.  You will know what I am talking about if you see the result of it. I feel like our song represents our beginning friendship, what we think and feel about diversity and how we work with each other.

After we have finished the task we could see what the others made. Oh my god, it was really AWESOME! I could see on some faces that they were also very proud on what they made and they have enjoyed is. You all deserve a feather for being this friendly and creative.
Today we have cooked mushed potatoes with carrots and chicken slices. We got a lot of compliments. Thank you all when you were coming to us and say thank you. I like that. I hope everyone liked our dinner.

- It's really difficult to bully in role-playing.
- You have to expand your qualities. I did it by choosing for the music workshop.
- We (Hanne, Belinda and me) went to the shop one day before we had to cook dinner. That's why we could go home earlier. So, if you prepare yourself you will experience benifits.

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