vrijdag 19 april 2013

EXTRA INFORMATION (10 competences of a teacher)

the question
Yesterday, Burak joined us at the hostel. 
We talked a lot about the differences between our education systems. When we started talking about our last year I mentioned the 10 competences of a teacher. We use them in Belgium but I think every teacher has to develop them. 
In our last year they evaluate us based on the 10 competences.

the 10 competences

responsibilaty as a learning person

01 teacher as companion of learning and development (decision power)
02 teacher as educator (relational orientation)
03 teacher as an expert (critical reflection)
04 teacher as organizer (inquisitiveness)
05 teacher as an innovator and educator (power organization)

responsibilaty for the communicty
06 teacher as partner of parents and persons who take care of the children (responsibility)
07 teacher as a member of a team (flexible)
08 teacher as partner of external
09 teacher as a member of a school community

responsibilaty for society
10 teacher and cultural participant

If you have any questions you can always ask!

Specific profession-oriented competences

The teacher as a supervisor of learning and developing processes
1 Discovering the starting situation of the students and the student group.
2 Choosing and articulating goals.
3 Selecting the study contents and experiences.
4 Structuring the study contents and transferring them to learning activities.
5 Determining adequate ways of teaching and grouping.
6 Selecting and adapting educational tools, individually and as a team.
7 Creating a strong educational environment.
8 Preparing observation and evaluation, individually and as a team, if necessary.
9 Evaluating process and product in order to adjust, remedy and differentiate.
10 Participating, after consultation of colleagues, in educational policy initiatives and connecting these with the general policy of the school.
11 Adequately supporting learning and developing processes in standard Dutch, taking into account the various personal and social language backgrounds of students.
12 Managing the diversity of the student group.
13 Starting learning and developing processes, from the various fields of study as well as cross‐curricular.

The teacher as an educator
1 Creating a positive study climate for the students in class and at school.
2 Promoting the emancipation of the students.
3 Preparing the students for individual development and social participation by training appropriate attitudes.
4 Dealing with contemporary social developments in an educational context.
5 Dealing correctly with students having socio‐emotional or behavioural problems.
6 Promoting the physical and mental health of the students.
7 Communicating with students with diverse language backgrounds in diverse language situations.

The teacher as a professional expert
1 Checking and expanding command of subject specific knowledge and skills.
2 Applying acquired subject specific knowledge and skills.
3 Situating and integrating one's own teaching activities in the framework of teaching activities as a whole in order to support and counsel the students.

The teacher as an organizer
1 Promoting a structured work climate.
2 Creating a flexible and efficient study schedule, adapted to the teacher’s and students’ needs of time management.
3 Performing administrative tasks correctly.
4 Creating a stimulating and realistic classroom, taking care of the safety of the students.

The teacher as an innovator / a researcher
1 Implementing new educational developments.
2 Examining accessible results of general and subject specific educational research.
3 Questioning and adjusting one’s own performance.

The teacher as a partner of parents / guardians
1 Being informed about and dealing with student data in a discrete way.
2 Communicating with parents / guardians about the student at school based on internal and external consultation.
3 After consultation with the team, communicating with parents / guardians about class and school life, taking into account the diversity of parents.
4 Discussing education with parents / guardians.
5 Communicating, in diverse language situations, with parents / guardians with diverse language backgrounds in standard Dutch or other adequate means of communication.
6 Developing strategies to communicate with non‐native speakers.

The teacher as a partner of the school team
1 Communicating and cooperating within the school team.
2 Communicating about the distribution of tasks both in the specific fields of study and cross‐curricularly, observing engagements.
3 Making one’s own educational task and approach the subject of discussion.
4 Being informed about one’s own and the students’ legal status.
5 Interacting adequately with all members of the school team in standard Dutch.

The teacher as a partner of externals
1 Together with colleagues, contacting, communicating with and cooperating with external organizations that offer educational initiatives.
2 Together with colleagues, initiating, expanding and supporting relations with the world of work and higher education.
3 In order to promote equal educational opportunities and after consultation of colleagues, contacting, communicating with and cooperating with the socio‐cultural world.
4 Interacting adequately with staff members of educational initiatives and job training or employment sites.

The teacher as a partner of the school team
1 Participating in the social debate on educational issues.
2 Discussing the role of the teacher in our society.

The teacher as a cultural operator
1 Discerning and addressing contemporary social issues in a critical way in the
and cultural‐scientific domain.

General profession-oriented competences
1 being able to work in team
2 being able to work  solution-oriented
3 sense of social responsibility

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